Xugui Zhou

PhD Candidate
University of Virginia

I am a 5th-year Ph.D. Candidate in the ECE department at the University of Virginia, working with Professor Homa Alemzadeh. Before joining the Dependable Systems and Analytics Lab at UVa in January 2019, I was a Project Manager and Engineer at NR Research Institute, State Grid of China. My research interests are at the intersection of computer systems dependability and control system engineering. I am particularly interested in engineering safer autonomous systems through resilience assessment, security validation, and artificial intelligence techniques.


I develop a hybrid knowledge and data-driven safety assurance approach for cyber-physical systems (CPS), including specific techniques for combining human expertise and domain knowledge with machine learning to predict and mitigate potential hazards at run-time and discover vulnerabilities at design-time in CPS controllers. The proposed approach has been implemented for applications of autonomous driving and smart health with improved accuracy, robustness, and transparency, demonstrating its generalizability and applicability to a broad range of CPS.
