I am a fourth-year PhD student at NYU's Tandon School of Engineering, majored in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). Under the guidance of Prof. Giuseppe Loianno, I conduct research in the Agile Robotics and Perception Lab (ARPL) on aerial robotics. Prior to my doctoral studies, I obtained a master's degree in Robotics from the University of Pennsylvania, where I worked on research projects in collaboration with Prof. Vijay Kumar and Prof. Mark Yim at the GRASP Lab. Following my master's, I served as a research assistant at the ModLab, supervised by Prof. Mark Yim, and later joined the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University as a research staff member in the AirLab, under the supervision of Prof. Sebastian Scherer. I completed my undergraduate studies in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at Sun Yat-Sen University in China.
I have developed planning, control, and perception algorithms for a collaborative aerial robot team engaged in payload manipulation and human interaction. My contributions include scalable hierarchical perception and nonlinear control methods, enabling cooperative estimation and control of the payload using onboard sensors. This surpasses existing quasi-static and passive control methods, which limit system mobility. I have also devised optimal control methods for the team to manipulate the payload, interact with humans, avoid obstacles, and maintain spatial separation. Moving forward, my research aims to enhance these novel cyber-physical systems (CPS) by establishing collaborative frameworks with other autonomous machines (e.g., legged robots with manipulators) and humans equipped with augmented reality glasses and haptic devices. This will contribute to a unified collaborative CPS framework at physical and cognitive levels, reducing the physical and mental efforts of humans and supporting them in complex and hazardous tasks.