Yukun Yuan
Current Institution: Stony Brook University
Email: yukun.yuan@stonybrook.edu
Bio: Yukun Yuan is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Stony Brook University, working with Prof. Shan Lin. His research interest lies at the intersection of Cyber-Physical Systems, Control Theory, and Machine Learning. Specifically, his work applies machine learning to efficiently coordinate heterogeneous systems, which are modeled by game theory and network science, with a focus on smart city applications. Yukun’s research has been published in top-tier cyber-physical systems conferences and journals, including ICCPS, IoTDI, ICDCS, TMC and TCPS. He has won the best paper award in ICCPS 2021. He also served as the reviewer for multiple conferences and journals, including TOSN, INFOCOM , and MASS.
Abstract: Data-driven Coordination of Heterogeneous Systems in Cyber-Physical Systems
Smart systems have been deployed in the real-world to improve peoples’ quality of life. These systems work well individually, but if working concurrently, conflicts may rise. My research investigates the coordination of smart systems in realistic competitive and cooperative settings. First, conflicts across competitive systems may exist since the systems determine actions in a selfish manner and have little knowledge of each other. To address the conflicts, we designed a decentralized conflict resolution framework, allowing systems to resolve conflicts by communicating and negotiating with each other to reach a Pareto-optimal agreement. Second, sometimes, disruptive events happen to urban transportation systems, reducing the transport capacity dramatically. To provide sufficient resilient transport capacity for stranded passengers, we proposed a dynamic integration framework to coordinate heterogeneous transportation systems, e.g., subways, buses and taxis.