Kyuin Lee
Current Institution: University of Wisconsin—Madison
Email: kyuin.lee@wisc.edu
Bio: Kyuin Lee obtained his B.S. and M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 2017 and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, advised by Prof. Younghyun Kim. His research interests broadly lie in the security of embedded systems including mobile computing, cyber-physical systems, and IoT. Among many challenges, his work focuses on building and designing usable, yet practical device authentication mechanisms for mobile and IoT devices. He is a recipient of ECE Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship from UW-Madison, the Best Demonstration Award at the 2018 SIGDA University Demo, and the Richard Newton Young Fellowship at the 2019 Design Automation Conference. He has (co-)authored several papers published in UbiComp, IPSN, ICCD, etc. He is the lead inventor of two pending US patents.
Abstract: Secure, Usable and Practical Authentication for the Internet of Things
The rapidly growing number of Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices today calls for more convenient and yet secure ways to connect many heterogeneous devices with limited user interfaces and small form factors. Unfortunately, current device authentication methods between typical IoT devices heavily involves manual human-interaction by requiring the user to type in a password to establish credentials between devices. This unwieldy process often make many people less familiar with IT technology to choose to leave their IoT system vulnerable to various remote attacks. To overcome this challenge, I present a series of my research works on proposing secure, usable and practical device authentication methods leveraging various environmental contexts to prove coexistence of devices. First, I present novel out-of-band passkey exchange technique named SyncVibe, designed towards authentication of mobile devices. Secondly, I propose two zero interaction authentication method named VoltKey and AeroKey, designed to facilitate seamless wireless connection between indoor IoT devices.