Huayi Li
Current Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Email: huayil@umich.edu
Bio: Huayi Li received the M.S. degree in automotive engineering from Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA, in 2015, and the Ph.D. degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, in 2022. Between 2015 and 2018, she was an engineer at Toyota Motor North America in Ann Arbor, MI addressing modeling and optimization challenges for advanced powertrain systems. Her research interests include dynamics and constrained and optimal controls focusing on mobility applications including aircraft, electrified vehicles, and connected and autonomous driving for safety and energy efficiency enhancements.
Abstract: A Set-Theoretic and Reference Governor-Centric Control Strategy for Stuck Actuators
A set membership-based and reference governor-centric fault-tolerant control strategy for stuck/jammed actuators in systems with actuator redundancy is considered. This strategy simultaneously (1) guarantees the safe operation and transitions for phases of failure detection and isolation, system reconfiguration/recovery, and operation in all normal and failure modes, (2) guarantees isolatability and reconfigurability, (3) has finite isolation and reconfiguration durations that are known before the online operation, (4) enables reference tracking, and (5) handles sequential failures. In addition, this strategy can handle unmeasured set-bounded disturbance inputs. A numerical example is reported to illustrate the offline design process and the online operation with the proposed approach. Possible directions of future work include considering other types of failures and challenges for implementing the strategy in real-time.